The real

My Digital Quarantine
1 min readNov 21, 2020

Brazil is a country with a lot of diversity and this is clear, but how has it been shown in other countries ? We know there are stereotypes about all cultures but the ones about our parties in brazil aren’t real .

The carnaval is a event that attracts all kinds of people, this is great because the country continue is still alive , the beutiful this event this it , people , music , people and this too help the economy because people attract people, that buy , that will invest money , this energy is unique .

howevwer this isn’t the representation of all brazilian, because the party shows only things that are very superficial , once in a year people take to the streets with confetti and people know that this is representation of brazil, but no honey. This moment are only days where the country stop for drink and celebrate, this image that brazil is just party and celbrate is very reinforced for carnaval, because everithing is stoped for an event that shown country culture and o result this is it , we have a lot more to show.



My Digital Quarantine

A place where Brazilian English students share their stories about the efects of COVID-19 in their lives and how technology is crucial in this difficult moment.